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JANS Winter Welcome

Save the Legacy Fundraising Campaign

40th Anniversary JANS Winter Welcome
Winter must be welcomed!  Even though we cannot host an event this year, we remain committed to raising $400,000 to replace the funds brought in through JANS Winter Welcome each year to keep our young people in sport and active.  Over the course of four decades, JWW provided the backbone of support for youth sport in our community. Support the legacy of Jan Peterson to help young people in our community to Dare to Dream.


It is important to remember why we are raising funds. 40 years ago, Jan Peterson had the vision to bring the community together to help young people pursue their dreams. This event, originally founded in Jan's home to help a handful of young ski racers, grew into the JANS Winter Welcome we know today. The dollars raised from this event go directly to support the seven YSA-partner sport clubs, augment need-based scholarships for athletes who apply to the Stein Eriksen Opportunity Endowment and support YSA's after school programs, Get Out & Play and ACTiV8.   Now more than ever, young people need our help whether to pursue Olympic Dreams or to get outside after school to stay active and off their screens.

We are halfway to our goal and need your support! Please consider purchasing an opportunity drawing ticket to support your favorite athlete/team, find the perfect trip or experience in the JANS Winter Welcome online auction, or make a direct tax-deductible donation to support the campaign.